Hi Community

We are implementing a AD to OpenLDAP synchronisation with version 2.0.2
But we don't manage to make it work

We have created our configuration thanks to the official help and following topics


But when we try to synchronise we have the following messages

/etc/lsc-openldap2ad/bin/lsc -f /etc/lsc-openldap2ad/etc -c all -s all -n
jul 05 18:41:05 - DEBUG - Loading XML configuration from: /etc/lsc-openldap2ad/etc/lsc.xml jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO - Reflections took 360 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 60 keys and 226 values jul 05 18:41:06 - DEBUG - Importing XML schema file: schemas/lsc-core-2.0.xsd jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO - Logging configuration successfully loaded from /etc/lsc-openldap2ad/etc/logback.xml jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO - LSC configuration successfully loaded from /etc/lsc-openldap2ad/etc/ jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO - Connecting to LDAP server ldap://localhost:389/dc=azertyuiop,dc=local as cn=xxxxxxxxxx,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO - Connecting to LDAP server ldap://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:389/dc=azertyuiop,dc=local as cn=xxxxxxx,OU=Ouazertyuiop,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - No clean filter has been specified for task=CreateAdUser. During the clean phase, LSC wouldn't be able to get the right entries and may delete all destination entries !
jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO  - Starting sync for CreateAdUser
jul 05 18:41:06 - INFO  - Initializing the sequences factory.
jul 05 18:41:06 - ERROR - Error while modifying entry cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local in directory :javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - modify/delete: serialNumber: no such value]; remaining name 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree' jul 05 18:41:06 - ERROR - Error while modifying entry cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local in directory :javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - modify/delete: serialNumber: no such value]; remaining name 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree' jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - Failed to update the directory for the value of the sequence cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local/serialNumber, retrying: 1/5 jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - Failed to update the directory for the value of the sequence cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local/serialNumber, retrying: 1/5 jul 05 18:41:06 - ERROR - Error while modifying entry cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local in directory :javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - modify/delete: serialNumber: no such value]; remaining name 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree' jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - Failed to update the directory for the value of the sequence cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local/serialNumber, retrying: 1/5 jul 05 18:41:06 - ERROR - Error while modifying entry cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local in directory :javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - modify/delete: serialNumber: no such value]; remaining name 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree' jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - Failed to update the directory for the value of the sequence cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local/serialNumber, retrying: 2/5 jul 05 18:41:06 - ERROR - Error while modifying entry cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local in directory :javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - modify/delete: serialNumber: no such value]; remaining name 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree' jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - Failed to update the directory for the value of the sequence cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local/serialNumber, retrying: 2/5 jul 05 18:41:06 - ERROR - Error while modifying entry cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local in directory :javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeException: [LDAP: error code 16 - modify/delete: serialNumber: no such value]; remaining name 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree' jul 05 18:41:06 - WARN - Failed to update the directory for the value of the sequence cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local/serialNumber, retrying: 3/5 jul 05 18:41:07 - INFO - All entries: 12, to modify entries: 12, successfully modified entries: 0, errors: 0
jul 05 18:41:07 - INFO  - Starting clean for CreateAdUser
jul 05 18:41:07 - ERROR - Empty or non existant destination (no IDs found)

That's a bit strange because cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local already exist on the openldap server (we created it)
And serialNumber increase every time we execute the synchronisation
ldapsearch -LLL -h -p 389 -D 'cn=xxxxxx,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local' -w xxxxxxxx 'cn=uidNumberSequence,OU=HiddenTree, dc=azertyuiop, dc=local'
dn: cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local
cn: uidNumberSequence
objectClass: device
objectClass: top
serialNumber: 1108

We have also created it in AD (but I think it's not necessary?)
ldapsearch -LLL -h xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -p 389 -D 'cn=impresora,OU=Ouazertyuiop,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local' -w xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -b 'cn=uidNumberSequence,ou=HiddenTree,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local'
dn: CN=uidNumberSequence,OU=HiddenTree,DC=azertyuiop,DC=local
objectClass: top
objectClass: device
cn: uidNumberSequence
serialNumber: 1024
distinguishedName: CN=uidNumberSequence,OU=HiddenTree,DC=azertyuiop,DC=local
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20130705164650.0Z
whenChanged: 20130705164650.0Z
uSNCreated: 1167081
uSNChanged: 1167081
showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
name: uidNumberSequence
objectGUID:: J2o9o0CK/k2HuLkfuYdrCA==
objectCategory: CN=Device,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=azertyuiop,DC=local
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z

Here is our configuration file
If you could give us a hand, it would be great



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<lsc xmlns="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-core-2.0.xsd"; revision="0">



                <operations>create, delete</operations>
                <datasets>cn, dn</datasets>


                <connection reference="AD" />


              <connection reference="OpenLDAP" />


<mainIdentifier>"uid=" + srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sAMAccountName") + ",ou=Ouazertyuiop,dc=azertyuiop,dc=local"</mainIdentifier>




<string>"/home/" + srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sAMAccountName")</string>




<string>"{SASL}" + srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("sAMAccountName") + "@casadevelazquez.org"</string>

Ldap Synchronization Connector (LSC) - http://lsc-project.org

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