Hello developers and list members!

I am configuring LSC for openLDAP to AD synchronization and having problems with the clean phase. My idea for the clean phase is simple: the existence (or not) of a specific attribute in the source record determines the existence (or not) of the destination record.

Specifically, I have chosen the destinationIndicator attribute (defined in both inetorgperson and user objectClass) to hold the destination DN value (AD side). The synchronization phase goes well. So I have a solution with variable destination DN values that gets synchronized correctly. I have defined a separate task for the clean phase, wanting to provoke destination record deletion only if I delete the destinationIndicator attribute of the corresponding source record. Unfortunately, I have tried different combinations of pivotAttributes and cleanFilter/getAllFilter with uid, sAMAccountName and destinationIndicator attributes, all of them failing with errors like the following:

Mar 02 11:00:12 - ERROR - Error while looking for
            in ou=People,dc=uth,dc=gr: javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterException: invalid attribute description; remaining name 'ou=People'
Mar 02 11:00:12 - ERROR - Error while synchronizing ID {destinationindicator=cn=ak,ou=Users,ou=TestOU,dc=ad,dc=uth,dc=gr}: org.lsc.exception.LscServiceException: javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterException: invalid attribute description; remaining name 'ou=People'
Mar 02 11:00:12 - ERROR - Unable to delete object CN=ak,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=ad,DC=uth,DC=gr (org.lsc.exception.LscServiceException: javax.naming.directory.InvalidSearchFilterException: invalid attribute description; remaining name 'ou=People')

I include the relative configuration part:


           <connection reference="OpenLDAP" />







           <connection reference="UthActiveDirectory" />














Thanks in advance for any feedback beacause I ran out of clues!

Nikos Asimos

University of Thessaly              Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας
Telematics Network Center           Κέντρο Δικτύου Τηλεματικής
Argonafton - Filellinon str.        Αργοναυτών - Φιλελλήνων
GR 38221  Volos, Greece             38221 Βόλος
Tel: (+30)2421074686 Fax: (+30)2421074400 E-mail: assimos -at- uth.gr

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