Le 12/06/2018 à 10:43, Lior Dotan a écrit :
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 11:32 AM Clément OUDOT
> <clement.ou...@worteks.com> wrote:
>> Le 12/06/2018 à 09:10, Lior Dotan a écrit :
>>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 10:05 AM Clément OUDOT
>>> <clement.ou...@worteks.com> wrote:
>>>> Le 12/06/2018 à 08:28, Lior Dotan a écrit :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm trying to sync groups from AD to external scripts which I was able
>>>>> to do in the past.
>>>>> The problem now is that the update script is called with 'cn= ' only,
>>>>> without the group name even though the get script is called with the
>>>>> group name.
>>>>> Any idea what's going on?
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:51 - INFO  - Starting sync for SyncCreateGroupTask
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:51 - DEBUG - Using pagedResults control for 1000 entries at 
>>>>> a time
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:51 - DEBUG - Lauching '/usr/local/bin/ad_get.sh
>>>>> CN=Management,OU=Microsoft Exchange,DC=TEST,DC=LOCAL '
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:51 - DEBUG - Writing to STDIN cn: Management
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:51 - DEBUG - Waiting for command to stop ...
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:53 - DEBUG - Messages dump on stderr by script:
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:53 - WARN  - The ldif file is empty
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:53 - WARN  - The ldif file is empty
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:53 - ERROR - Entries count: 0
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:53 - DEBUG - Unsupported scripting engine: Oracle Nashorn
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  List of attributes
>>>>> considered for writing in destination: [member, objectClass, cn]
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  Attribute "member" is in
>>>>> FORCE status
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  Adding attribute "member"
>>>>> with values [CN=Joe Doe, OU=Operation, OU=Test, DC=TEST, DC=LOCAL,
>>>>> CN=John Dough,  CN=Test Test2]
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  Attribute "objectClass" is
>>>>> in KEEP status
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  Attribute "objectClass"
>>>>> will not be written to the destination
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  Attribute "cn" is in KEEP 
>>>>> status
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - In object "cn=":  Attribute "cn" will not be
>>>>> written to the destination
>>>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - Lauching '/usr/local/bin/ad_connector.py cn= '
>>>> Your scripts seems to return nothing. Be sure to respect
>>>> https://lsc-project.org/documentation/plugins/executable/howto_scripts
>>> The problem is that STDOUT doesn't contain the group name, this is
>>> what I get on STDOUT:
>>> Jun 12 08:35:54 - DEBUG - Writing to STDIN # Tue Jun 12 08:35:54 IDT 2018
>>> dn: cn=
>>> changetype: add
>>> member: CN=Joe Doe
>>> Notice that the dn: us malformed which is why my script fails.
>>> My question is why I don't get the group name in the 'dn'.
>> Hard to say, because this depends on what you code in your script. Send
>> us the script if want help.
> This is the get script which seems to work ok:
> #! /bin/bash
> line=""
> read line
> text="$line"
> while test "$line" != ""
> do
> read line
> text="$text
> $line"
> done
> logger $0 $@
> ad_connector.py GET $text
> This is the pythonscript that creates the group:
> def main():
>    parser = ldif.LDIFRecordList(sys.stdin)
>    parser.parse()
> It fails on the parser.parse() as the LDiF is invalid because it looks
> like the example I pasted above (dn: cn= ).

Got it. The DN is built with:

                                <mainIdentifier>js:"cn=" +

But "cn" is not defined in <fetchedAttributes> in ldapSourceService.
Just add it in the list.

Clément Oudot | Identity Solutions Manager


Worteks | https://www.worteks.com

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