On 19/12/2019 22:53, Clément OUDOT wrote:
> Le 19/12/2019 à 17:29, shrd.s...@yahoo.com a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I'm syncing email addresses from Active Directory. For about 150,000 
>> addresses it's taking 4 hours. I've tried  a few parameters to the JVM:
>> "${JAVA_COMMAND}" $JAVA_OPTS -Xms10g -Xmx10g    -d64 -cp "$CLASSPATH" 
>> org.lsc.Launcher $PARAMETERS
>> and varying to number of threads, but lsc doesn't use more than about 5gb of 
>> memory - and everything still runs in one process.  Also, if I use more than 
>> one thread, not all the email addresses get copied over. If I compile lsc 
>> myself - will it use multiple processors?
> Hello,
> I think that if you configure LSC with more than one thread (option -t),
> it should use multiple processors. LSC is a java program, so this is the
> JVM which should use the multiple processors.
> If you use several threads, you must be sure that your AD server is
> allowing mutliple connections from one host, there may be a limit here.
> You should run LSC anc check the established TCP/IP connections. I think
> the performance improvement will be more on AD and network side than on
> the CPU running LSC.

To complement Clement's answer, you can also check these things in your lsc.xml:

1. If you are using Kerberos to authenticate a ldap connection, there is a bug 
in the 2.1.4 that will be fixed in 2.1.5 -> 
https://github.com/lsc-project/lsc/pull/86. Apply the patch if you do use 

2. In the objectClass dataset (if you have any), use "KEEP" policy and use 
<createValues> instead of <forceValues>, and remove any unnecessary datasets.

3. Try using rjs: (rhino js) in the mainIdentifier script instead of default js:

4. If you have <![CDATA[...]> instruction within your xml, make sure there is 
no white spaces (eg. tabs, end of line, space) in between xml tag and start of 

-> This is OK:

-> This is not OK:

5. Custom JS code in scripting transformation may need optimizations

Soisik Froger | Software Architect


Worteks | https://www.worteks.com
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