Hello all,

I finallay found my problem.

In my posixaccount.xml file, I had the following lines to map my database fields :

/<select id="getInetOrgPerson" resultClass="java.util.HashMap" parameterClass="java.util.Map">
            CONCAT(pers.VorName , ' ',pers.Nachname) as
       FROM Evento pers WHERE pers.EventoID = #uidnumber#

The line CONCAT was the problem, instead the concatenation of the fields were done.

So I added a new field cnd in my database and I do the concatenation when importing my values into this database and everything's fine

Thank to all for your help

Kind Regards

Le 03.04.2020 à 15:55, Clément OUDOT a écrit :

Le 03/04/2020 à 15:48, Arnaud Gymnase a écrit :

Hello Clement,

could it be my problem ? :

/    <select id="getInetOrgPersonList" resultClass="java.util.HashMap">//
//        SELECT pers.EventoID as uidnumber//
//        FROM Evento pers//
//    </select>/

I should replace SELECT pers.EventoID as uidnumber with SELECT CONCAT(pers.VorName , ' ',pers.Nachname) as cn FROM Evento pers

No, you need to return the pivot attribute here.

What you set in MainIdentifier has nothing to do with pivot attribute. It can be the same or can be different attributes.

Clément Oudot | Identity Solutions Manager


  Worteks |https://www.worteks.com

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