Chris -

From: Christian Hopps <>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 5:44 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>
Cc: Acee Lindem (acee) <>;
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Flex Algo merge work, IS-IS and OSPF FAD sub-TLVs

On May 20, 2018, at 12:33 PM, Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) 
<<>> wrote:


I am happy to see that the scope of this discussion is narrowing. I think the 
scope of what your proposing is much more appropriate for discussion - but we 
are in still not in agreement.

This has never changed for me, so I'm glad that we are understanding each other 
better. :)

I agree! IGP algorithm is a great example, and I'm glad you agree that it was a
good idea. The content of the "Sub-TLVs of the FAD TLV" are in the same way
shared by both protocols. The types and the values are defined exactly the
same for both protocols. The *only* difference is the encoding of the type
(and length) value, the semantics are the same.
[Les:] There is a qualitative difference between having a common registry to 
identify a protocol independent attribute and having a common registry to 
define a protocol scoped type value.

I appreciate that in this case we are defining a new container (FAD) which will 
have sub-containers that are applicable to both protocols. And I agree that it 
seems very hard to imagine any future sub-container which would not be 
applicable to both protocols. And I also agree that assigning the same type 
value to each sub-TLV for both protocols (now and in the future) is practical - 
and perhaps even desirable.

Great. BTW, nice renaming to "container" here.

Nevertheless, the "type" which identifies the sub-container is a protocol 
scoped attribute.  The fact that we could use a common number in this case does 
not mean it is conceptually correct to consider the value as protocol 

Let's please keep the definitions in registries which have the correct scope - 
which in the case of TLV/sub-TLV types is per/protocol.

I fail to see any difference from the IGP algorithm case, which you agreed with.

  SR Algorithm container:
    - distributed as a TLV inside Router Information Opaque LSA
    - distributed as a sub-TLV inside Router Capability TLV

  IGP Algorithm: The container content which is defined using a common registry.

[Les:] The SR Algorithm "container identifier" is NOT managed by the IGP 
Algorithm Registry. It is only the algorithm identifiers- which are advertised 
inside the protocol specific containers - which are managed by the shared 

Here, however, you are proposing to manage the identifier for the container 
(not its contents) in a shared registry. That I object to.

TLV/sub-TLV codepoints are a protocol property. That is why they are managed in 
protocol specific registries.
You are now proposing to take "some" protocol specific identifiers and manage 
them in a protocol independent registry. This is wrong.

You think it makes sense to go to 
to find all the IS-IS TLV/sub-TLV codepoints EXCEPT for a few which you want to 
put into a shared IS-IS/OSPF registry?
I don't.




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