
Thanks for the great review!

Both drafts are on the Telechat tomorrow, would be great to come to the 
agreement, so ospf draft could be updated before tomorrow’s call.


> On Sep 26, 2018, at 13:21, Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <> wrote:
> Julien -
> Thanx for the additional comments.
> V17 has been published to address these - subject to my responses below.
> See Les2
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: rtg-dir <> On Behalf Of Julien Meuric
>> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 8:12 AM
>> To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>;
>> Cc:;; draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing- 
>> Subject: Re: [RTG-DIR] RtgDir Review: 
>> draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-msd-15
>> Hi Les,
>> Thanks for you feedback. Please find some responses, marked [JM] below.
>> You may consider the trimmed ones as resolved. For others, please keep 
>> in mind that the directorate's purpose is to improve documents'
>> readability before publication, as opposed to store clarification in 
>> mailing list archives.
> [Les2:]  I fully appreciate both the purpose of the review and the effort you 
> have put in. Yours is one of the better reviews I have seen in my years...
> If I push back it is not because I do not value your input - but simply 
> because I disagree. :-)
>> Julien
>> Sep. 24, 2018 -
>>> Julien -
>>> Thanx for your detailed review - and your patience in waiting for a
>> response (I returned from vacation only a few days ago).
>>> I have published V16 of the draft which addresses your comments 
>>> except
>> as noted inline below.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Julien Meuric <>
>>>> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 8:28 AM
>> <snip>
>>>> - The abstract uses the acronym "SID", however:
>>>>    * It should be expanded at first use,
>>>>    * It should be defined, e.g. by adding a (normative) reference 
>>>> to RFC 8402 (at least in the introduction),
>>>>    * The SR context is missing and should be explicitly mentioned 
>>>> (adding a phrase such as "in a Segment Routing-enabled network" 
>>>> would
>> be enough).
>>> [Les:] SID has been added to the terminology section and a reference 
>>> to
>> RFC 8402 added.
>>> However, I don’t think "SR context" is missing. The first sentence 
>>> of the Introduction starts with
>>> " When Segment Routing (SR) paths are computed..."
>> [JM] I fully agree about the introduction, but my comment was about 
>> the abstract where the SR context needs to be guessed from the use of 
>> the "SID" terminology: an explicit phrase would be welcome to a rookie 
>> reading the abstract.
> [Les2:] I have modified the abstract.
>>>> - OLD
>>>>   Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) SR extensions draft
>>>>   [I-D.ietf-pce-segment-routing] signals MSD in SR Path 
>>>> Computation
>>>>   Element (PCE) Capability TLV and METRIC Object.
>>>>  NEW
>>>>   The Path Computation Element communication Protocol (PCEP) SR
>>>>   extension document [I-D.ietf-pce-segment-routing] defines how to
>>>>   signal MSD using the SR-PCE-CAPABILITY sub-TLV (per node) and
>>>>   the METRIC object (per request).
>>> [Les:] I have updated this and included a reference to RFC 5440 
>>> where
>> METRIC object was first defined.
>> [JM] Even better about METRIC. Consistently, "SR Path Computation 
>> Element
>> (PCE) Capability TLV" still remains a loose phrase, the technical name 
>> from [I- D.ietf-pce-segment-routing] is "SR-PCE-CAPABILITY", which 
>> avoids ambiguity.
> [Les2:] I removed naming the specific TLVs and replaced it with " Path  
> Computation Element Protocol (PCEP)".
> I think this is better than mentioning specific TLV names - particularly 
> since one of them is part of a draft and the TLV name might change before the 
> document becomes an RFC. So any possible naming inconsistency is now 
> eliminated.
>>>> - The introduction says that the solution to complement BGP-LS lies 
>>>> in IS-IS (the OSPF draft claiming the counterpart on its side). 
>>>> This is a bit rough, the sentence 2 paragraph below already does 
>>>> the necessary scoping job: "This document defines an extension to 
>>>> <your favorite IGP
>>>> here>". I suggest to temper the early sentence by rephrasing the
>>>> beginning of page 3 into: "MSD capabilities should be advertised by 
>>>> every router in the network involved in the IGP."
>>> [Les:] The draft says
>>> " MSD capabilities should be
>>>   advertised by every Intermediate System to Intermediate System(IS-IS)
>>>   router in the network."
>>> which I believe meets your suggestion.
>> [JM] My comment was exactly starting from there. Let me rephrase:
>> - This I-D says "should be advertised by every IS-IS router";
>> - draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-msd says "should be advertised by 
>> every OSPF router".
>> Now that we have a single LSR WG, I suggest to drop these competing 
>> wordings and consider a more consensual "should be advertised in the IGP".
>> Both documents already include a sentence "This document defines an 
>> extension to IS-IS/OSPF" at the end of their introduction, which is 
>> enough to define the scope.
> [Les2:] Sorry - here I will pushback. 
> If the initial version of the MSD drafts had been written after (or close to) 
> when the two IGP WGs were combined into LSR, we undoubtedly would have 
> written one draft and included the IGP specific encodings for each protocol 
> in that one draft - and we then would have used "IGP" in many places. But by 
> the time LSR was formed the MSD drafts were already fairly mature, so we have 
> kept them separate. Given that, I see no reason to replace "OSPF/IS-IS" with 
> "IGP" given that we have protocol specific drafts.
>>>> - The wording of the following sentence is not clear: "Note that in 
>>>> a non-SR MPLS network, label depth is what is defined by the MSD 
>>>> advertisements." Is it intended to say: "Note that MSD 
>>>> advertisements are applicable beyond SR- enabled networks and may 
>>>> refer to label depth
>> in MPLS networks."?
>>> [Les:] The draft says:
>>> " Although MSD advertisements are associated with Segment Routing, the
>>>   advertisements MAY be present even if Segment Routing itself is not
>>>   enabled."
>>> I have made this sentence and the following sentence (which you 
>>> quoted)
>> a separate paragraph - which hopefully makes this a bit clearer.
>> [JM] Indeed, a separate paragraph is an improvement but doesn't fully 
>> address my comment. The 2nd sentence I previously quoted combines the 
>> passive voice on top of a subordinate clause starting with "what":
>> though grammatically correct, don't you disagree that the current 
>> wording barely succeeds in achieving its purpose of building a loud 
>> and clear message to be conveyed by an easy-to-parse sentence? Or do you?
>> ;-) (Should you decide to leave it as is, be prepared to RFC Editor's
>> review.)
> [Les2:] I rewrote the paragraph - hopefully you will find it more acceptable.
>> <snip>
>>>> - The same ASCII art is used for the 2 figures (sections 2 and 3). 
>>>> It would be nice to specialize each one a little bit by explicitly 
>>>> adding their respective codepoint in the type field (23 and 15).
>>> [Les:] The figure is intended to define the class of information in 
>>> each field -
>> not the actual values. The actual values are specified in the text 
>> which follows the ASCII art.
>> [JM] This is acceptable to me, but twice the exact same figure makes 
>> the reader wonder why not just two contexts with pointers to a single 
>> definition.
> [Les2:] With TLV/sub-TLV encodings it is commonplace to provide the ASCII art 
> in the section(s) specific to each advertisement. This avoids "flipping 
> pages" in order to see the actual encoding.
>> <snip>
>>>> - In section 5, BMI-MSD is defined as "the total number of MPLS 
>>>> labels which can be imposed" (which is OK when the incoming packet 
>>>> is unlabled). When the incoming packet is labeled (e.g. use of 
>>>> segment routing binding SID), if the incoming label is to be 
>>>> "replaced" by N outgoing labels, what processing model is assumed 
>>>> when advertising the
>> MSD:
>>>> * one swap and one imposition of N-1 labels?
>>>> * one pop and one imposition of N labels?
>>> [Les:] What is being defined is the maximum number of SIDs/labels 
>>> which
>> can be "imposed". If popping or swapping affects the MSD which can be 
>> supported this needs to be accounted for in the advertisement. BMI-MSD 
>> is not being used to advertise a value specific to labeled or 
>> unlabeled packets nor a value which is "swap specific" or "pop specific".
>> [JM] We seem to agree on an architecture-agnostic use of BMI-MSD. "If 
>> popping or swapping affects the MSD [...] this needs to be accounted 
>> for" is a great introduction to the issue and deserves to be included 
>> in the I-D. My comment now binds to: in order to have interoperable 
>> implementations, I believe the document should be more prescriptive on 
>> how we account that for.
> [Les2:] Added text
>>>> - For the BMI-MSD use case, the draft seems to clearly target a 
>>>> value attached to the outgoing link. However, this capability on a 
>>>> router is highly
>>>> hardware-dependent: some implementations may push a stack on the 
>>>> egress linecard while some may perform it on the ingress linecard.
>>>> The I-D seems to make some implicit hardware assumption and the 
>>>> current link MSD advertisement is not suited to describe these 
>>>> possible combinations of hardware implementations. This needs to be
>> addressed somehow.
>>> [Les:] If a platform does imposition on ingress, then it should 
>>> advertise only
>> a Node MSD - as there would be no way to advertise a value which is 
>> specific to the ingress-egress interface combination. So, link MSDs 
>> for BMI are associated with the use of that interface as the outgoing link.
>>> [JM] OK. Could you please include that clarification in the I-D itself?
> [Les2:] Done
>    Les
>> <snip>
>>>> - s/path doesn't exceed/path does not exceed/
>>> [Les:] Done. You don't like contractions? :-)
>> [JM] I don't dislike 'em, but I prefer a slightly more formal language 
>> when writing standard text. :-)
>>>> - s/and associated attributes and capabilities/as well as 
>>>> associated attributes and capabilities/
>>> [Les:] I prefer the existing wording.
>>> [JM] Acceptable to me, but may trigger a two-cycle reading on some
>> parser implementations.
>> Regards,
>> Julien

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