The following errata report has been held for document update 
for RFC7810, "IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions". 

You may review the report below and at:

Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial

Reported by: Teresa <>
Date Reported: 2018-08-31
Held by: Alvaro Retana (IESG)

Section: 4.6

Original Text
Available Bandwidth: This field carries the available bandwidth on a
   link, forwarding adjacency, or bundled link in IEEE floating-point
   format with units of bytes per second.  For a link or forwarding
   adjacency, available bandwidth is defined to be residual bandwidth
   (see Section 4.5) minus the measured bandwidth used for the actual
   forwarding of non-RSVP-TE label switched path packets.  For a bundled
   link, available bandwidth is defined to be the sum of the component
   link available bandwidths minus the measured bandwidth used for the
   actual forwarding of non-RSVP-TE label switched path packets.  For a
   bundled link, available bandwidth is defined to be the sum of the
   component link available bandwidths.

Corrected Text
Available Bandwidth: This field carries the available bandwidth on a
   link, forwarding adjacency, or bundled link in IEEE floating-point
   format with units of bytes per second.  For a link or forwarding
   adjacency, available bandwidth is defined to be residual bandwidth
   (see Section 4.5) minus the measured bandwidth used for the actual
   forwarding of non-RSVP-TE label switched path packets.  For a bundled
   link, available bandwidth is defined to be the sum of the component
   link (residual) bandwidths minus the measured bandwidth used for the
   actual forwarding of non-RSVP-TE label switched path packets.For a
   bundled link, available bandwidth is defined to be the sum of the
   component link available bandwidths.

Two sentences to explain 'available bandwidth' on a bundled link, but one says 
"sum of component available bandwidth minus xxx", the other says "sum of 
component available bandwidth", is conflicting. need to change the first 
sentence to 'sum of component residual bandwidth minus xxx'

RFC7810 (draft-ietf-isis-te-metric-extensions-11)
Title               : IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions
Publication Date    : May 2016
Author(s)           : S. Previdi, Ed., S. Giacalone, D. Ward, J. Drake, Q. Wu
Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
Source              : IS-IS for IP Internets
Area                : Routing
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG

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