Hi Benjamin,

please see inline:

On 05/12/18 04:44 , Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
Benjamin Kaduk has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-segment-routing-extensions-20: Discuss

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to https://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


What is the extensibility model for the "AF" (address family) field in the
OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLV?  That is, what do we need to say about
current implementations' behavior to allow future changes?  (I also a
little bit wonder if we really need a full eight bits, but that's basically

I don't think OSPFv3 will ever support other then IPv6 or IPv4 AF. Also the text says:

"Prefix encoding for other address families is beyond the scope
 of this specification."

Some of the text in Section 8.1 (see the COMMENT section) reads like it
might have an "Updates" relationship with other documents, but I don't know
enough to be sure.  Hopefully we can have a conversation to clarify the

please see my comments below.


Section 1

Is there a start of the separate document that covers SR with the IPv6 data
plane that we could reference from here?

this document describes OSPFv3 extension for SR with the MPLS data plane, not IPv6 data plane. And rfc8402 is referenced.

Section 5

    In some cases it is useful to advertise attributes for a range of
    prefixes.  The Segment Routing Mapping Server, which is described in
    [I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing-ldp-interop], is an example of where
    a single advertisement is needed to advertise SIDs for multiple
    prefixes from a contiguous address range.

I note that the referenced document does not use the word "range" to
describe the prefix being assigned multiple SIDs; it might be helpful to
say a few more words about how the range of prefixes gets mapped to what is
discussed in the linked document.

"prefix being assigned multiple SIDs" - that is not what we are doing here.

I'm also not entirely sure how to construct the prefix range just given
this format description.  Suppose I have an IPv4 prefix of 18.18/16 and a
range size of 4; my prefix length is 16 and the address prefix is encoded
as 0x120120000.  Am I then representing the four prefixes 18.18/16,
18.19/16, 18.20/16, and 18.21/16?


Or am I constrained to be a subset of
18.18/18 (in which case I don't know what the actual distinct prefixes
would be)?  The examples in Section 6 suggests the former, but I would suggest
stating this explictly, here.

I would thing that the example in section 16 is clear enough.

Section 6

Should there be any discussion of the historical or future reasons why V
and L are separate flag bits, given that the only legal combinations are
currently 00 and 11, i.e., fully redundant?

I would rather not get into that discussion here.

It may not be necessary to expand ASBR on first usage here, since it's in
the terminology section (and marked as "well-known" at

ASBR is defined in terminology section.

    If the NP-Flag is not set, then any upstream neighbor of the Prefix-
    SID originator MUST pop the Prefix-SID.  This is equivalent to the
    penultimate hop popping mechanism used in the MPLS dataplane.  If the
    NP-flag is not set, then the received E-flag is ignored.

Is it going to be clear that "pop" only applies when this Prefix-SID is the
outermost label?  (Or am I super-confused about how this is supposed to

you can only POP the outmost label.

A similar consideration may apply to the discussion of the NP flag as well.
Also some redundantly expanded ABR and ASBR here as well.

               This is useful, e.g., when the originator of the Prefix-
       SID is the final destination for the related prefix and the
       originator wishes to receive the packet with the original EXP

Are we still supposed to call these the EXP bits after RFC 5462?  (I had to
look up what they were; not sure if this means that we should put a
reference in for them or not, given that I'm not a practitioner here.)

I can rename to "Traffic Class" if you insist.

    When the M-Flag is set, the NP-flag and the E-flag MUST be ignored on

Do I understand this correctly that this is because the mapping server may
not know the needs of the individual routers, and if the routers had
specific needs they should advertise the SIDs directly (which would take
precedence over the mapping server's advertisement)?  If so, given the
following discussion, I wouldn't suggest adding any extra text about it,
but I do want to make sure I'm understanding it properly.

your understanding is correct. There is also some more details in the next section.

    When a Prefix-SID is advertised in the OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range
    TLV, then the value advertised in the Prefix SID Sub-TLV is
    interpreted as a starting SID/Label value.

Am I remembering correctly that Prefix-SID can appear multiple times within
OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range?  Then each Prefix-SID would be indicating a
distinct range but adhering to the same parameters of the range that are
indicated in the Extended Prefix Range TLV?  This seems a little weird on
the face of it (as opposed to a single Prefix-SID sub-TLV per Extended
Prefix Range), but maybe there's a use case that I'm missing on first

the use case is when you need to advertise Prefix-SID for different Algorithms.

Section 7.1

(Probably off-topic: what's the use case for assigning the same Adj-SID to
different adjacencies?)

load balancing of traffic over multiple links.

Section 7.2

Perhaps add DR to the terminology section (or expand on first usage)?

ok, will do.

Section 8.1

    When a Prefix-SID is advertised by the Mapping Server, which is
    indicated by the M-flag in the Prefix-SID Sub-TLV (Section 6), the
    route type as implied by the LSA type is ignored and the Prefix-SID
    is bound to the corresponding prefix independent of the route type.

Is this considered to be Update-ing the behavior of another RFC?

no. All we say is that the LSA type in which the SID from SRMS is advertised does not need to match the route-type of the prefix for which the SID is adverised.

    Advertisement of the Prefix-SID by the Mapping Server using an Inter-
    Area Prefix TLV, External-Prefix TLV, or Intra-Area-Prefix TLV
    [RFC8362] does not itself contribute to the prefix reachability.  The
    NU-bit MUST be set in the PrefixOptions field of the LSA which is
    used by the Mapping Server to advertise SID or SID Range, which
    prevents the advertisement from contributing to prefix reachability.

This MUST reads like it is restating an existing normative requirement from
elsewhere (in which case we should probably just state it as fact and
provide a reference).  Or is it a new requirement (in which case Updates:
might be in order)?

not sure I understand. NU-bit is defined in rfc5340. We are just reusing it here. I can add a reference to it.

    Area-scoped OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLVs are propagated between
    areas.  Similar to propagation of prefixes between areas, an ABR only
    propagates the OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLV that it considers to
    be the best from the set it received.  The rules used to pick the
    best OSPFv3 Extended Prefix Range TLV are described in Section 5.

I don't see any usage of "best" in Section 5; I do see direction to use the
numerically smallest Instance ID when multiple Extended Prefix Range TLVs
advertise *the exact same range*.  But this in and of itself does not
safisfy the claim here that there is guidance to pick a single best
Extended Prefix Range TLV, so I'm left confused as to what's supposed to
happen.  Perhaps this was intended as a transition to Section 8.2 instead
of referring back to Section 5 (especially considering that Section 8.1 is
supposed to be intra-area but this topic is inter-area)?
(This sort of dangling/unclear internal reference would normally be a
DISCUSS, but it seems very likely this is just a stale section number and
not a real problem, so I'm keeping it in the COMMENT section for now.)

right, I will remove the reference to section 5 and correct the text.

Section 8.4.1

Do we need a reference for 2-Way and FULL?

these are standard OSPF adjacency states.

Section 9

I would normally expect some text about "IANA has made permanent the
following temporary allocations" or similar, so the reader can quickly tell
that this is not a case of codepoint squatting.

well, I guess what is important is that the IANA allocations has been made.



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