Hi chairs,

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

I will change the name of the draft, and continue the draft on the teas wG.



--------------------------------------------------------------------Re: [Lsr] 
[Teas] "Packet Network Slicing using Segment Routing"
Lou Berger <lber...@labn.net> Mon, 25 March 2019 23:32 UTCShow header

Authors, just resubmit with teas in place of lsr, when you do your 
update based on other feedback you received this week.



(TEAS co-chair)

On 3/25/2019 2:52 PM, Acee Lindem (acee) wrote:
> Hi Authors,
> I read this draft on the plane on the way to Prague and I don’t think 
> it belongs in LSR. I believe it belongs in TEAs as it is more about 
> the requirement and framework for TE slicing than it does about adding 
> the Administrative Instance Identifier (AII) to the OSPF and IS-IS TE 
> encodings. We will go forward with the presentation on Thursday with 
> the understanding that LSR will not adopt this work. If it is adopted 
> in TEAS, we can decide whether to proceed with a small LSR draft with 
> just the new AIIs or simply provide review and IANA code points in our 
> registries.
> Thanks,
> Acee
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