
I'm not in favour of this draft.

For me there is no interest to advertises TE attributes per application. TE 
attributes are attached to a linkand are agnostics of application. Looking to 
listed applications, I don't understand why we need to duplicate TE attributes. 
We could perfectly managed RSVP-TE, SR-TE, LFA and Flex Algo with standard TE 
attributes already available inISIS.

As already mention, the solution to solve thebandwidth attributes conflict is 
not suitablei.e. if you need bandwidth, special consideration mention in 
section 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 will end into a nightmare. At the end, to avoid problems, 
you practically must advertise all TE attributes with bit mask set to all 
applications. So, it is useless as it will replicate what standard TE 
attributes offer.

In addition, from an operator perspective, it's already hard to manage the TE 
attributes,so I do not think we can ask the network management teams to setup 
TE attributes per application that is much more complex.



Le 10/04/2019 à 23:22, Acee Lindem (acee) a écrit :
>  LSR Working Group,
> This begins a two week  WG last call for the subject document. Please enter 
> your support or objection to the document before 12:00 AM (EDT) on Wednesday, 
> April 25^th , 2019.
> Thanks,
> Acee 
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