As RIFT chair - I’d like to respond to Robert’ comment -  the example is rather 
 unfortunate, in RIFT disaggregation is conditional and well contained within 
its context, it doesn’t  affect overall scalability.


> On Nov 15, 2020, at 08:44, Robert Raszuk <> wrote:
> Hi Aijun,
> I would in fact only propose that the presented mechanism is narrowed down to 
> invalidate BGP (service) routes - in fact their next hops. 
> The reason being that the moment you make the solution generic, moreover the 
> moment you want it to be used in RIB and data plane I am afraid you are 
> running into similar (even if local) deaggregation mechanism like recently 
> described in RIFT. That would kill all the scalability of advertising summary 
> routes in the first place and I bet would face lots of opposition. 
> Thx,
> R.
>>> I would actually trim most use cases leaving just one - to signal remote 
>>> service node (ex: PE) going down in the presence of summary route being 
>>> advertised from remote area or pop. 
>  [WAJ] Yes, this may be the most useful use case, but the PUA mechanism can 
> also apply to other scenarios. We want to make it one general solution.
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