Petr Machata <> writes:

> Dima Kogan <> writes:
>> Do you think this is better? I can go either way.
> Well, this only adds the "exited" messages, and I find it better that
> you don't hide anything from the user.  The added "exited" is no
> distraction at all, I think.
>>> I would also put the whole example in a section of its own, presumably
>>> named "EXAMPLE", or maybe "SYMBOL FILTERING EXAMPLE".  That should only
>>> come after the "FILTERING EXPRESSIONS", as conceptually it builds on
>>> what's written there.  It would however be good to refer to this new
>>> section from -e, -x and -l.
>> Sure? I think the way it is now is better. Both putting the examples
>> first (all perl docs do that, and they tend to be very good) and putting
>> them into the same section (but different subsections). If you don't
>> have strong feelings here, I'd rather leave it.
> In my opinion, explanations of differences between -x, -e and -l don't
> belong in a section that describes filtering expressions, which is a
> logically lower-level topic.  I don't have particularly strong feelings
> about ordering though, so if you think it's better to put examples
> first, then so be it.

OK. New patch pushed up.

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