hmm . . . a five second test shows you to be most right. i was thinking of internal stuff (my recent adventures in squid confused me). ping should work fine. Though I stand by my netstat from the server and note that you could refine it. netstat. grep out ltsp. make sure that each ws (or however you define them) only displays once and that should do it. there's probably an easier way to do it, but that's off the top of my head.

Jason Maas wrote:

Hi Joe,

On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Joe Auerbach wrote:

It won't respond to ping because once set up they have the ip of the server, as far as I know.

Actually, that's not the case. If each terminal's ethernet interface was using the same IP address as the server then the ethernet switch(es) would get awful cranky.

Each terminal (like any network device) should definitely be using its own IP address. My v4.1.1 terminals respond just fine to ICMP (aka "ping") packets.



joe auerbach
systems administrator
pcb / rossman and co

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