I have a client that is in bed with this dos based Point of Sale software.
It runs under wine on a server and has 5 Suse machines as the pos
machines.   Being dos based it really is time to upgrade.  The new software
runs under XP and will run under wine it seems.  If not it will run under
Crossover.  Crossover has this package called Xover server which uses thin
clients.  It seems like LTSP would be a perfect replacement.  The client
doesnt like M$ and would rather not have it but the alternative and the
Software Companies preferred solution is to put XP on the five clients.

I'd rather build a ruby based pos and be done with it but you know how the
real world is.

I guess the question is, would ltsp do the job?  I know that is a stupid

And what are y'alls thoughts on this?


Michael H. Collins

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