I use this to get a generic 1440x900 to display on LTSP4.1. Some old VIA 
chipsets cannot display widescreen though.

        X_VERTREFRESH           = 56-76
        X_HORZSYNC              = 30-82
        X_MODE_0                = 1440x900  106.47  1440 1520 1672 1904  
900 901 904 932  -HSync +Vsync

Get the monitor Veritcal & Horiz frequencies from the manual or google.
You can use gtf to create any weird monitor resolutions (cut and paste 
into the X_MODE_0 format ...
(gtf xres yres freq)

$ gtf 1440 900 60

  # 1440x900 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 55.92 kHz; pclk: 106.47 MHz
  Modeline "1440x900_60.00"  106.47  1440 1520 1672 1904  900 901 904 
932  -HSync +Vsync


Andrew wrote:
> Hi,
> The only thing I cannot get right on ltsp-4.2 is a screen resolution of
> 1440x900, even entering the resolution and sync rates. It works fine on
> ltsp-5, but I'm using the Debian tarball on a Slackware-12 install and
> printers and local storage are proving to be a nightmare. I would
> happily stick with 4.2 if I could fix my screen.
> Any help appreciated.
> Andrew
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