Donny Christiaan kirjoitti:
> Can I implement this on my OpenSuse 10.3 + LTSP 4.2 ?

I do not know, but I'm afraid not. Thin Client Manager is for LTSP5 and 
that Edubuntu Wiki help (installing vnc in the client chroot) is for 
LTSP5, too.

About openSuSE:

"The instructions here may become obsolete very quickly as KIWI-LTSP is 
under development, check on IRC #kiwi or kiwi-user/kiwi-devel Mailing 
lists if the instructions do not work."

About TCM:


Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Alpha 5 will be out this week, it is very important 
for LTSP5, too.

"The Feature Freeze is now in effect for Hardy. From now until release, 
the focus is on polishing and bug fixing."

We are going to live with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS next three year.

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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