On Wednesday 29 Apr 2009, Chris Roberts wrote:
> So this issue is nothing whatsoever to do with power management.  Has
> anyone else experienced random lock-ups with rdesktop?
> Any suggestions for debugging this problem?

Bizarrely this issue turned out to be a routing problem, very occasionally the 
network was dropping packets, so that it would generally work fine for 10 or 
20 minutes, but equally could fail at any time.

It felt like a power management issue, because it always seemed to happen when 
the computer was idle and the screen was blanked.

Anyway, thanks to Gadi and ogra in #ltsp for their time helping me with this.

Chris Roberts

|     Distribution | Debian Etch      |
|     LTSP Version | 5.1.10-1~40      |
|  Windows Manager | KDE 3.5.5        |
|           Kernel | 2.6.26-bpo.1-686 |
|     Distribution | Debian Lenny     |
|     LTSP Version | 5.1.10-2         |
|  Windows Manager | KDE 3.5.10       |
|           Kernel | 2.6.26-2-686     |

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