On 2014-09-21 05:13:00 -0500, Denis Croombs wrote:
> We have build 3 LTSP servers for 3 teams, 2 work perfectly ALL of the 
> time (different Vlans)
> But 1 after approx 1 week the newest setup (max 11 users) of these 
> severs will be working and then if you reboot a PXE booted client 
> (worked perfectly before the re-boot) it will stall after it has 
> downloaded  the boot image & it displays the Ubuntu splash screen and 
> the 5 or so icons below the word Ubuntu keep cycling and never stop.
> We have Zero firewall rules between the Clients & the server, we can 
> only assume the client is setting up the SSH connection but we can see 
> no errors and the SSH server is working for the other clients.

Does it get to the login screen? Because the SSH connection is only
started after you've entered username and password...

If you set SCREEN_07=shell, does it give you a shell prompt?

You could disable the splash screen to see if you get useful debugging
in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/*/pxelinux.cfg/default by removing the "quiet"
and "splash" arguments.

Good luck!

live well,

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