
read -p "The system will now power off..." dummy

On 20/02/2015 08:01 μμ, Pierre Yann Baco wrote:
> Hi All!
> I'm writing a bash shell script to be executed on a LTSP 5.x client
> (once copied in /opt/ltsp/amd6/usr/share/screen.d + ltsp-update-image.
> The script (started as a SCREEN_O2=srv_launch in lts.conf) starts and
> execute correctly (backup local mbr/gpt/partitions of windows/linux
> station to the server).
> As a simple "exit" in the script just restarts it, I need to include a
> "shutdown -r now" or "shutdown -hP now" in the script.
> Then, once the shutdown is called, I get a bunch of error messages on
> the thin client screen before it reboots ou halts. Unfortunately, I
> cant'get more details about those, even when syslog is redirected to the
> server's one. I just know most of those error messages concern squashfs
> error. I guess the shutdown close the nbd connection while the script is
> finishing/dying.
> Taking a look at the (chroot)/usr/share/ltsp/screen_session script, I've
> found that my script (or any other SCREEN_xx= one) is started  in a
> "while true" loop by the ltsp "screen_session" script. Therefore, once a
> user script exits (and/or starts a shutdown):
> a) the screen_session father script tries to restart it
> b) If it gets enough time to do it, this endless while/true loop
> restarts effectively the script, causing strange effects, requiring some
> kind of lock mechanism in the script to avoid a "re-run".
> c) All this requires the presence of the squashfs-ed filesystem mounted
> by nbd at startup.
> d) At one time, the shutdown finally closes the nbd connection, causing
> an error msg storm on the screen.
> Q: Unless I modify the screen_session screen (break the while/true
> loop), what can be done to get a "real/clean" shutdown ?
> Bye,

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