On 2015-10-01, Christopher Roberts wrote:
> Apologies if my earlier email was overly brief! I started typing up a much
> longer one and then thought that my first response should be to simply ask
> if there was a specific reason why you felt that they could not be combined.
> At the end of the day if LTSP will work with Windows Active Directory then
> it should work with any "distro"!

And if you can configure any distro to work with Windows Active
Directory, it shouldn't be difficult to configure LTSP to use it, at
least indirectly through the LTSP Server...

> I note that you have DHCP running on the Samba4 AD server - that would need
> to be moved over to your new LTSP server, or at least that would be the
> simplest option.

As long as your DHCP server is reasonable, it's not typically hard to
have DHCP running on a separate server from the LTSP server. The main
issues are with built-in routers or any environment which gives you very
limited control of the DHCP options.

Worst-case (or maybe best-case, depending on your perspective), you
probably can use dnsmasq's ProxyDHCP support:


live well,

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