A first glance through the log reveals these possibly significant entries:

DEBUG1 [15860/15996]: Sending response (size: 16, retcode: Unknown error code) 
(in thread_manage_clients() at main.c:3803)

And later

PERROR [16322/16322]: sendmsg: Broken pipe (in lttcomm_send_unix_sock() at 

   What were the client commands used to generate the log?  And what was the 
running environment (which versions of the LTTng suite were installed, and 
which session daemon(s) is(are) running? ).

Daniel U. Thibault
Protection des systèmes et contremesures (PSC) | Systems Protection & 
Countermeasures (SPC)
Cyber sécurité pour les missions essentielles (CME) | Mission Critical Cyber 
Security (MCCS)
R & D pour la défense Canada - Valcartier (RDDC Valcartier) | Defence R&D 
Canada - Valcartier (DRDC Valcartier)
2459 route de la Bravoure
Québec QC  G3J 1X5
Vox : (418) 844-4000 x4245
Fax : (418) 844-4538
NAC : 918V QSDJ <http://www.travelgis.com/map.asp?addr=918V%20QSDJ>
Gouvernement du Canada | Government of Canada

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