Hi all,

I'm investigating efficient logging mechanisms to use in a highly
parallel and distributed application. The application currently uses
plain text logging. We need logging enabled at all times, although
potentially at different log levels. Having to manually manage a tracer
is not really an option.

I think using CTF makes sense, since performance and disk space are
concerns. One approach would be to use LTTng and having the application
interface with its C API to enable tracing on startup and manage the
trace. Are there better ways to do this? I was wondering whether logging
using libbabeltrace would be a good fit for this use case. I also
thought of barectf, but the current limitations [1] make me think it
might not be a good fit.

Any thoughts or advice on this?


[1] From the Github page: "tracing functions need to be traced from the
same thread"
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