On 10/13/2016 8:33 AM, Joseph Wright wrote:

Testing LuaTeX v1, there are relatively few changes from v0.95. However,
I've found one logging (?) change and one hyphenation change I didn't
expect. With example

    \hsize 15em
    This is a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious%
     \hbox to 1em{}
    \belowdisplayskip=0pt %
    y = mx + c

The results are different from pdfTeX in two ways. The empty \hbox does
not prevent hyphenation, which it has to-date (so this is not a result
of other hyphenation changes). The log also lacks the zero skip after
the display.

It's not clear to me if either of these changes is deliberate: what's
the situation?

The criteria for not hyphenating are somewhat arbitrary esp since engines started adding features (literals, whatsits, etc). So, why stop at a whatsit that in fact could be a box (ximage) but not at a hbox and what about rules (ximages are no longer whatsits but a kind of rule). So this is what happens now:


0 : not strict
1 : strict start
2 : strict end
3 : strict start and strict end

So the rules are (i'll add the next info to the manual):


boundary  : yes when wordboundary
hlist     : when hyphenationbounds 1 or 3
vlist     : when hyphenationbounds 1 or 3
rule      : when hyphenationbounds 1 or 3
dir       : when hyphenationbounds 1 or 3
whatsit   : when hyphenationbounds 1 or 3
glue      : yes
math      : skipped
glyph     : exhyphenchar (one only) : yes (so no -- ---)
otherwise : yes


boundary  : yes
glyph     : yes when different language
glue      : yes
penalty   : yes
kern      : yes when not italic (for some historic reason)
hlist     : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3
vlist     : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3
rule      : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3
dir       : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3
whatsit   : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3
ins       : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3
adjust    : when hyphenationbounds 2 or 3

So you can decide to default to \hyphenationbounds=3


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
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