On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 13:33:38 -1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> I fully agree with all of these points, except for #2.   Micro$oft
> bashing is a time-honoured and loved aspect of any Linux Users Group. 
> It's what gives us our character! :)
> cheers,
> charles (writing from a Winblows machine)

In my opinion, Microsoft bashing is alright to a certain extent.  For
example, I'm sure you remember back in your childhood days when your
friends made up harsh nicknames for other people, or even against
yourself, all in the name of fun.  It's comical at first, but after a
while it gets quite irritating and annoying.  Someone who constantly
utters these nicknames now have a close-minded view of that person.  As
Warren stated, it does scare some people even if you meant no harm. 
Bashing also gives people a negative connotation of you and those
affiliated with you, such as MPLUG.  If this is the "character" that
you want for this group, then please continue the bashing.  Just
because all other Linux User Groups do it, does that make it right? 

With the Linux for Schools project successfully underway, more and more
educators and non-techies are joining this mailing list.  The
self-censorship that MonMotha mentioned would be ideal, and possibly
crucial, to keep these people interested in the Open Source community. 
Wouldn't they rather trust a group of individuals who can express their
ideas and opinions eloquently? 

Speaking of the car analogy, there seems to be this big feud between
Ford and Chevrolet owners on the mainland.  Both sides conjure up nasty
nicknames, bumper stickers, and other miscellaneous propaganda against
the other.  It makes you wonder if people ever grow up.

Just my two cents plus tax :]


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