On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, R. Scott Belford wrote:

> If you would like to give it to our Open Source Education Foundation,
> then, we can arrange to get you a deduction if desired.  It would
> definitely be used.

Auwe, perhaps I should have waited! I called this morning, got the board,
and I'm just about to wrap it in gift paper to take to
the Silversteins' house as a Hannukah present. Comtel won't get a
deduction for that, nor will the Open Source Foundation be able to use it,
but Rhiannon, Alex, and David will be thrilled, I'm sure. They're bright
but unmotivated students and the only thing they seem to like is
computers. I'm trying to turn that into serious geekiness. The last time
I visited I took a non-working 486 and we had a great time demolishing it.
(There was really nothing worth saving.)

I've got to leave in 20 minutes, but if I get a persuasive email before
then, I may be persuaded to relinquish the board.

Karen Lofstrom
quick on the draw

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