hmmmm....don't forget that somewhere in the process the dhcp server does a
mac address lookup for machine specific config items.  The cool part is that
my VOIP phones do a dhcp request and get fed to them a bootserver and
bootfile config item. This stuff then points them to my call manager for
upgrades, menus and services (forwarding, voice mail, etc).

/brian chee

University of Hawaii ICS Dept
Advanced Network Computing Lab
1680 East West Road, POST rm 311
Honolulu, HI  96822
808-956-5797 voice, 808-956-5175 fax

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Strode" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [luau] dhcp-146-41

> > I noticed that, instead of the usual "localhost", the computer was
> > designated, out of the blue, a name called "dhcp-146-41".  It was
> > subsequently concluded that this was the source of all the problems
> > (including inability to install printer driver, etc.)
> >
> Not sure why it's causing so many problems, but I can explain a little
> bit about how the process works on
> redhat.
> First, the computer requests an ip from the dhcp server (called DHCP
> request), then
> dhcp server returns the computer's ip address and other network
> information, including the dns server
> (called DHCP ACK [ACK is for acknowledgment]).  Some time during this
> process the file
> /etc/sysconfig/network gets sourced and certain environment variables
> are set.
> If HOSTNAME is one of the environment variables to get set and it is set
> to something other than
> "" or "localhost", then the hostname of the system is set to $HOSTNAME.
> If HOSTNAME is not set, or it is set to "" or "localhost"  then the
> computer performs a reverse lookup on the ip
> it was just given (by asking the dns server it was just told about).
>  Whatever results from this reverse lookup is the
> hostname assigned to the system.  If the reverse lookup fails, then the
> hostname is set to localhost.
> --Ray
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> LUAU mailing list

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