I'm using the New Internet Computer ($200 without monitor) that boots from
cdrom. There is rumors of a ltsp image for it wandering around....but it
boots a thin linux with browser and ssh and other toys....not super fast,
but cheap and with the new cdroms (mine have the old slow ones) it's not too


/brian chee

University of Hawaii ICS Dept
Advanced Network Computing Lab
1680 East West Road, POST rm 311
Honolulu, HI  96822
808-956-5797 voice, 808-956-5175 fax

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dustin Cross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:41 PM
Subject: [luau] Linux Thin Clients

> Aloha,
> I was just wondering what is the least expensive thin client (everything
> from keyboad to monitor) a company can put together to use with something
> like LTSP?  I have looked around and find NO inexpensive thin clients
> anywhere and X terminals are crazy expensive.  It seems that I can get a
> low end desktop for the same price as a thin client.
> Planning a business around scrounging for used hardware is not a good
> option so I would expect to have to buy something.  Thin clients seem to
> give me cost saving in hardware.  The servers will cost more to handle the
> extra load.  But it should require less admin work once up and running.
> this a fair assessment of thin clients in a business enviroment?
> Has there been any performance testing on thin clients compared to
> desktops?  Something like how does Open Office run (i.e. how long to open
> to perform a complex operation) on a thin client with a good server versus
> a low end desktop (like a 1Ghz PIII with 128MB ram)?
> Mahalo,
> Dusty
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