On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 10:15, Rodney Kanno wrote:
> I just inheritated two SCSI drives for a Linux machine at my office, and was
> wondering if anyone could suggest a good SCSI card to do basic drive 
> mirroring.
> I know nothing about SCSI, and a few days ago, someone mentioned that the 
> 3Ware
> brand is the best out there right now. What kind of things should I be looking
> for (other than Linux support)? Any commments/recommendations will be greatly
> appreciated!
> Rodney

3Ware makes high end IDE RAID controllers that behave like a SCSI
controller to the system.

For only two SCSI drives I would buy any cheap low-end SCSI controller
supported by Linux open source kernel modules.  Unfortunately I have
little experience in that arena.


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