Summary of details of the 10 point counter-attack.  IBM sure looks to
pound SCO into non-existence.  I for one am very happy that IBM's army
of lawyers is fighting for what may become the first test of the GPL in
the courts.


It also means that while Darl was shooting his mouth off, IBM was taking
notes, and the majority of the other counterclaims are based on SCO
spokespeople saying things to the press that IBM says were deceitful and
damaging and derogatory, harming IBM's business and reputation, harming
the reputation of Linux, and interfering with its potential customers,
and they say their tortious conduct was and is willful and deliberate,
hence they should be fined treble damages, because, they tell the court,
this is an exceptional case, meriting such sanctions. They also ask the
court to stop them from any further infringement of their four patents
by ordering SCO to quit manufacturing or selling or distributing the
infringing products listed above. So, if the court says yes, that's
pretty much the end of SCO's business, both software and the licensing

IBM sales people, in an internal memo to them, are now being encouraged
to turn people to the OSDL website to read "Questioning SCO: A Hard Look
at Nebulous Claims," by Eben Moglen, General counsel of the Free
Software Foundation, and to let everyone know, that as this lawsuit goes
foward, "the industry will resolve it."

Man, I believe them. IBM, it appears, fully intends to turn SCO into
mincemeat. And dear Darl was just the man to hand them the weapons to be
able to do it. 

And finally, a song of praise to the GPL. It's shining hour has arrived.
And it is shining manfully. If you were longing for the GPL to have its
day in court, you just got it. It is leading the charge.
(continued in Groklaw)

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