I haven't been able to report on these items for a while, so here are a
few things off the top of my head:

1) Virgil and redone HOSEF website
Virgil put a lot of work into redoing the site using PostNuke as a
content management system.  There is a still a considerable amount of
work to be done on various parts of the site including:

* Content cleanups and clarifications.  (I need to put some thought into
this and write something up soon...)
* PHPBB integrated web discussion board
* MPLUG Wiki integrated into HOSEF content, completely close down MPLUG

Please reply to this thread and suggest other things to improve the
content and layout of the HOSEF.org website.

2) Videl Hardware Failure

Around 7:15PM HST on August 20th our main server videl.ics.hawaii.edu
went down for an unknown reason. The next morning I found that the
heatsink fan failed, damaging the processor but fortunately it seems the
rest of the server is fine. For now I have replaced the processor and
heatsink fan with parts from one of my personal computers, but we are in
need of donations to help buy a new server for a more permanent

Long story short, we are in large need for cash donations to buy a
replacement server for Videl.  I already spent $550 out of pocket this
year for server upgrades for Videl and Fedora and there is not enough
capacity for our Linux mirror and CPU usage is at an uncomfortable level
with Fedora's Bugzilla, Videl's mailing lists and two other instances of
Apache and MySQL used by various projects.

We need to raise at least $1,500 in order to buy a good replacement
server for Videl, with dual processor server board, processors, more RAM
and terabyte+ of storage.  Your donations are tax deductible because
HOSEF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  Please contact Scott or
reply to this list for pledges or questions regarding donations.

3) Liholiho Elementary
The hybrid LTSP + MacOS + Windows network at Liholiho Elementary in
Kaimuki is mostly done, with mainly software configuration cleanup left
to be done.  Last week Friday (8/22) Ray Strode and I spent a few hours
doing more software configuration while training Peter Nakashima in
various aspects of the system.

We ran into some difficulty in getting file permissions for students and
teachers to interact with files to work properly.  I do not have the
time to summarize this complex problem at the moment though.

4) St. John the Baptist School
This past weekend Wilson Chan, me and a two other volunteers went to
redo the St. John LTSP installation with a newer, faster server (single
Athlon 2000+) and 17" monitors.  Software configuration there is
complete to my knowledge.  Wilson do you know if they began to use the
lab again?

Wilson's group did most of the work, I just stopped by on Saturday for a
few hours to tweak the operating system, finishing the job remotely from
home using a few more hours.

The good news here is a lot of the work I put into customizing Liholiho
and St. John recently I have made into scripts, so a customized roll-out
of LTSP for schools should take even less time for me to setup.  My
tweaks include locking down browser settings and other desktop

Warren Togami

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