Eric Hattemer wrote:
the mandrake rpm... I make no guarantees, though. Try rpmbuild --rebuild *.src.rpm on the src.rpm version. It'll appear in /usr/src/RedHat/RPMS/*. do a find /usr/src/RedHat -name "*.rpm" to find it. Redhat is missing so many of these cute things that make Mandrake so much more useable as a regular home user. As much as Warren tells me how cool redhat will be when he's done with it and how great their kernel is, I always get depressed sitting here on the RH machine when I remember how well things worked in mandrake. But try rebuliding that rpm and we'll see how it turns out.
-Eric Hattemer

The Mandrake RPM unforutunately wont work for the thin clients without some extra work. Please give me a while to search for this solution. It would then need to be installed into the thin client nfs root-boot chroot and not the main system.


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