On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 20:24, John Johnson wrote:
> Hmm...I just got the email from Red Hat today stating that my free
> distribution will reach its end-of-life in the next quarter. Not being
> aware of the current RH prices, I went over to the site to look at how
> much a low-end subscription would run. It seems starting prices are
> $349. Since I am running a couple personal and a couple charity sites, I
> can't afford to shell out that kind of cash every year. So I guess it's
> time to go distribution shopping again. Any suggestions? I have heard a
> lot of people mention Debian. The only other distribution I ever used
> was Slackware back in the early to mid 90s. Thanks for any input you can
> give...
> --John

Debian is probably your best bet if you really want to leave Red Hat. 
Slackware is definitely NOT anywhere near maintainable compared to Red
Hat or Debian.

Otherwise... please read up about Fedora.  Fedora Core 1 soon to be
released later this week really isn't much different than Red Hat. 
up2date can point to any official or 3rd party mirror for a source, so
you no longer need to pay for update access.

Fedora Homepage

More information about Fedora and its relationship with the community,
and Red Hat's Enterprise Linux.  Basically RHEL is if you WANT vendor
support and service.  Otherwise Fedora will become something like Debian
in that there is a large amount of community participation.  However,
with Red Hat engineering and published roadmaps for development, I
believe we can push Linux and OSS development faster.  Linux will become
easier to use and more powerful at a faster rate with this new
combination of market and grass roots forces. 

I explained almost the same thing to someone else on fedora-test-list.

I would highly recommend subscribing to fedora's mailing list and
chatting with the folks in the #fedora IRC chatroom too.  They'll help
to clear up any of your confusion.


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