On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 10:03, R. Scott Belford wrote:
> Last night I ran apt-get dist-upgrade on a redhat 9 box, and I noticed
> many of the packages that were new to rhat9 had a .fr ending.  Are these
> Fedora packages?  One in particular was gthumb.  Is it only by updating
> rhat9 via the sourceforge apt-get mirror that these .fr packages are
> found?

.fr is probably freshrpms.net?  That is one of the most popular 3rd
party repositories.  That's the guy that inspired me to create fedora.us
last year.

> What do we see the future of the K12LTSP project being based upon?

There are some exciting developments happening upstream for LTSP v4
including hotplug USB storage, encryption/authentication, and thin
client system control from the server.  I only heard about it last night
but I don't know details. You may have to ask Jam at ltsp.org.


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