Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:
Moz 1.6 is out. The default binary (from the tgz file) does not have xft enabled, but Mozilla.org has made it "relatively" easy to build from the source:


Patch files for big5 (traditional Chinese) fonts are available at:


Because of its special emphasis on Asian fonts, RedHat/Fedora has the best Mozilla builds (RPMs), though there is always a time lag. I am still unable to figure out how they did it. At the present time, I am keeping two versions of Moz. One version is the Fedora version, which is installed in /usr/lib and which I can upgrade using yum ("yum upgrade mozilla").

We're working on an official FC1 update for mozilla-1.6. The plan has always been to skip 1.5 and go straight to 1.6. 1.6 hit rawhide this morning, and I think somebody is testing it thoroughly before pushing it for FC1 into the updates/testing tree.


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