Eric Hattemer wrote:
I spent a long time trying to get ndiswrapper working on my friend's laptop. It required a 2.6.1-1.43 kernel rpm. I can't quite remember what else we had to do, but I remember on that particular machine it was a lot of work. It may be simple if you use the 2.6.1-1.43. But it took us a while to figure out that it doesn't work well in 2.4.22. You need to compile the ndiswrapper package (gmake install). We got a lot of errors and hardlocks in 2.4. That one is no longer readily available in rpm form, though. the 2.6.3 and .4 weren't so good either. So the main point I'm making is that we tried several different kernels and got one to work. So you may need to compile a new kernel or try the 2.6.4 or 2.6.3 from . And when I say I really mean the equiv directory on the local mirror, ie.
-Eric Hattemer

I'm guessing it has something to do with the kernel stack. ndiswrapper needs to make use of a lot more of the kernel stack than most other things in kernel space. The kernel stack is extremely tiny and cannot handle. But then again this guess may be entirely wrong.

You may get more certain help from the ndiswrapper's mailing list, or maybe fedora-list.


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