> William H. Jones II wrote:

> >  I can access the internet using either OS, but am having problems
> > understand how to implement networking under Linux.  It should pretty
> > much be the same across most LInux distros, although BSD is most likely
> > different.  My question is this: do I simply need to add a route to the
> > other computer running Linux (the router assigns static IPs to both
> > computers via DCHP)?  In other words, can I simply do the following:?
> >
> > route add -host <IP of other computer> wlan0
> >
> > or would I have to do something else?  I guess I could just go ahead and
> > try it, but wanted to ask someone in advance, in case I screwed anything
> > up.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your reply,
> >
> > William Jones
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (they only teach Windows) :(
> > US Navy, Retired (22 years)

Wireless routers usually assign a _dynamic_ IP which provides all the needed 
for the dhcp client and if scripts to set the default route, subnet, dns, 
etc.  Just like in Windows.

In FC3, I believe system-config-network is the GUI for this stuff.  When 
without GUI (like on linux access points), I edit 
the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0.

"rpm -qd initscripts" shows the location of sysconfig.txt which describes most 
of the stuff in /etc/sysconfig.

Since you have DHCP and I assume your wireless node is entirely OPEN, the 
settings are simple, bootproto, onboot...

Or you can skip all the sysconfig stuff.  I skip sysconfig/profiles for 
roaming linux because if the module for the wlan0 is loaded and fine, you can 
simply "ifconfig wlan0 up" and "dhclient wlan0".  (dhcpcd on gentoo)

If you're wireless router is secured, you may need to add wireless extension 
parameters in sysconfig or by hand, however you preffer.

I hope this helps.


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