showing.  :-)    Its nearly trivial to setup.   Does LUAU/HOSEF have
technical get-togethers with speakers? (Or is that CyberPizza? (And what about those of us trying to cut down on carbs?))

I brought my new linux-powered car PC to the Talk-Shop on Monday, but the only other people who showed up were Scott and Ted, so we talked about the DOE.

This is the kind of get together I've been looking around for.  If
there is one (or if someone wants to start one), let me know.  I havent
had an opportunity to attend any of the hosef meetings yet (tis a
shame, I think they do a great service to the community), but the
few cyberpizzas I've gone to so far have been very high level
and non-technical.  I'd definitely enjoy talking with people who've
played around with iax and asterisk (I've done a little here, but
not a lot) and who like to talk about coding, algorithms, and
the gory details of the latest technologies.

Some media think "PowerPC" is proprietary as well. Its less proprietary than Intel's processors.

Feel free to counter with the "but you can't run MacOS on open hardware" argument.

S'ok, they're all intel IA32 by this time next year.


Tim Newsham

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