Lets see a perl/python/... equivalent to this lisp exercise for obtaining 'e':

Euler's number, 'e', is approximately 2.7182818284590452354, and this is a highly-inefficient way to extract it, but
the function does tend toward 'e'.)


If you like this kind of stuff, you'd probably get a kick out of
Doug McIlroy's "The Music of Streams", available on his home page:

I toyed with the code in python a little:

but neither is as elegant as his (pseudo-) haskell implementation

Heres your python code:


import random

uniform = random.random         # gratuitous rename

def waitTime() :
        """Return the number of uniform variates whose sum just exceeds 1."""
        sum,times = 0,0
        while sum <= 1.0 :
                sum,times = sum+uniform(), times+1
        return times

def repeat(n, f, *args, **kwargs) :
        """Return the results of running a function n times."""
        return [f(*args, **kwargs) for n in xrange(n)]

def average(l) :
        Return the average of a list.
        Raise an exception for empty lists.
        return float(sum(l)) / len(l)

# show some waitTime results
print "Some waitTimes", repeat(10, waitTime)

# show averages for increasing lengths of repeat(waitTime)
print "average waitTimes", [average(repeat(n, waitTime)) for n in 1, 10, 100, 
1000, 10000, 100000]

Tim Newsham

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