On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 07:30:44PM -0800, Josh wrote:
> I've been so busy I still haven't had time to go to
> any meetings...
> I just got into UH Manoa and am going to try to take a
> couple of computer classes.  Does anyone know of any
> professors that are particularly open-source friendly?

I hear great praise for Dr. Philip Johnson and his software
engineering class where you work on java/eclipse/ant/cvs/junit.

Dr. Edo Biagioni's operating systems class makes you hack on the
Linux kernel.

>  I was hoping for classes in Python or open-source web
> programming but I'm not sure if they exist. I don't have
> Windows on my computer anymore and prefer to use it as little
> as possible. Is there anything Linux-related at the University?

You will probably be writing in java for your first two classes.
I cannot speak highly enough for Dr. Dan Suthers. Take his ICS211
class if you can. 

Universities tend to have an agnostic or *nix slant. When I toyed
with the idea of pursuing an ICS masters degree, the ICS program
was java-slanted. I am not sure how much .NET has influenced
things over the past few years.

> I was disappointed that the UH web site student login
> pages only provided help instructions to Windows
> IE/Netscape and Mac Safari users...

Write to the webmaster to update the documentation.


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