Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

> A friend of mind sent me this news about a free Niagara server (in
> Japanese) and asked if anyone has (or knows anyone who has) any
> experience:

I just received the email stating that I'm now "on the list" for my "try
before buy" Niagra.

>Reference:  Sun Sales Order <xxxxxx>
>We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Sun 
>Microsystems Try-and-Buy program for Sun Fire T2000 CoolThreads servers, the 
>world's first eco-responsible server.  This revolutionary server offers 
>incredible performance on multi-threaded applications, while dramatically 
>reducing power and space requirements.
> Here is what some of our other customers and ISV's have said about the 
> product:
>       http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/testimonials/
>       http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/testimonials/isv.jsp
>Your CoolThreads server will be arriving within the next 2 weeks depending on 
>your location in the world. For contact information on your order, go to 
>IMPORTANT: Please visit the website below to see what you can do before and 
>after you receive the CoolThreads server:
>       http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/tnb/index.jsp
>Please print and retain the Terms & Conditions you agreed to as part of the 
>application process.  These are accessible from here:
>       https://www.sun.com/secure/servers/coolthreads/tnb/agreements/index.jsp
>This unit is available to you for 60 days from shipment from Sun, at which 
>point you can either buy it or return it. It's just that simple.
>Please remember that if you choose not to keep the revolutionary Sun Fire 
>T2000 server,  you'll need to return it in its original packaging material.
>This is an automatically generated message. Please do not reply to this email 
>as this mailbox does not accept mail! For contact information on your  order, 
>go to http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/tnb/status.jsp

And you can bet that I'm going to try to punish it and blog the
results.  With any luck, I'll be able to keep it.


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