On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 07:44:40PM -0800, Julian Yap wrote:
> Why is it that when I initially add a package using 'pkg_add'
> it doesn't grab the latest version for that package?

Are you following -RELEASE or -STABLE? I believe the -RELEASE
packages do not get updated. You will have slightly better luck
with the binary packages if you follow -STABLE, but avoiding the
binary packages entirely would be easier if you have enough disk

> How do you keep the /usr/ports directory small?  On my test
> install it's over 1.1GB even after running portsclean with all
> the available options.

You can try purging /usr/ports/distfiles. All the source packages
are downloaded there.

> As it is, I dedicated 4GB of space to my virtual machine and 1.2
> GB to the /usr partition.  So when I run 'portupgrade firefox'
> it runs out of disk space.

You will run into the least problems if your /usr is the largest
partition. To avoid reinstalling, you can move /usr/ports
somewhere else and reference it with a symlink.

If you decide to reinstall, you can keep /, /tmp, and /var
small and stuff the remaining space to /usr, or take the more
Linux-like approach and stick everything under /.

> If you _knew you needed to install some huge port that would
> take up a lot of disk space to build (say Firefox), can you
> make the ports directory really small? Or can you have a _very
> minimal Ports directory?

When you build from source, you need lots of space, sorry. You
can try updating firefox's dependencies slowly and purge the
source files along the way, but it is much faster to find disk.

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