Bottom Line
My name is Scott.  I am the volunteer Executive Director for The Hawaii Open
Source Education Foundation.  In our last complete Board Meeting, when we
last had a quorum on 12-22-07, I stated that our ecycling initiatives either
needed to become self-sustaining or that we needed to phase them out.  I
stated my plans for doing so and the fact that we had an abundance of P4
computers in storage costing me money.  We all agreed on the plans.  Two
members left the board after this meeting due to life circumstances, leaving
us without a quorum.  Two of the three remaining members will not release
the minutes from this meeting.  They have threatened to sue me if I release
the audio.  In this meeting I state that we must end ecycling or make it
work.  Yet, you, the public, do not know this.  Instead, all you are hearing
is one Board member claiming that he alone is championing this change and is
having to fight me to do it.  There will be another Membership meeting in
May, and this will be the opportunity to support the future of HOSEF or to
help put it to rest.  Either is fine.  What is not fine is keeping the
meeting minutes of HOSEF from the public, then misrepresenting the minutes
and the organization to the public in order to slander, libel, and attempt
to destroy a human being.  This should be banned from LUAU as it has been
banned from the HOSEF mailing lists.  It is unconscionable.

My quote from 12-22

"long story short, trying to really focus more on the "efficient
promotion and outreach and a little less of the moving of mass
quantities of hardware, yet not letting, you know, I don't wanna to
lose out on the good things, you know, the P4s, and, like from the
castle foundation, 3 three flat screen monitors and the P4s and those
type things. but by not taking everybody's castoffs, um, we've really
kind of, and I'll know better in 2 weeks after XXX and I get done
inventorying but we've got a nice, manageable, very desirable
collection of hardware.  an If we keep it that way, cash flow
positive, then I can do more computer guts for people, I think I can
do more parks, and I think that XXX can help more of the DVR and
homeless people through his own endeavors and all being cash flow
positive, plus selling some services on the side, some of these checks
ron talked about were for some support contracts we sold to schools
who weren't willing to take me up for my  free Saturday offers of help
but were willing to write checks.  So, I think thats the big picture
looking back and looking forward and trying to be a little leaner

and another statement from me

36:55 Scott - I agree with Ron though and by design I have put us on
the edge so that starting now I can put up or shut up with storage
stuff, otherwise we just kill it and rethink everything. that we don't
want to be obligated to something we can't pay for, so

The complete Draft minutes are on the hosef-managers mailing list at

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