On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Jim Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The question becomes, "What is the better path?"
>  Is it better to leave and minimize personal liability, or is it better
>  to stand and face the wrath of someone now used to getting their way?

In spirit and time, Scott == HOSEF. I simply do not see HOSEF
succeeding without him. Unfortunately, he choose to not give himself
any voting rights on the board and set himself up for legal anguish.
That was a huge mistake and I hope that he pulls through and fixes it.
(I would prefer he proceed without a board to avoid future conflicts
like this, even if it means dropping the non-profit status.)

To be blunt? Take the high road and leave. Why fight and drag this on
instead of redirecting your precious time and energy positively? Start
something new and possibly better. Compete with Scott in a friendly
way for mind share. You have good ideas that can complement HOSEF and
Scott's efforts. I already registered a domain for this, unless you
can think of something better than freesoftwarehawaii.org. If you have
the time, the kuokoa distribution project could become its

>  If a watch has a broken mainspring, you can restore the watch to
>  functionality by replacing the spring.

Much like your eWaste stance, get a new watch.

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