Hi all,

This may be a duplicate message, my original got caught up in a
different kind of moderation (I posted as a user that wasn't subscribed
to the list!).  The original was sent by me at 07:20 HST today.

------ Original Message to LUAU and HOSEF Managers Lists -----
Late last night we finally got agreement among Scott Belford, Jim
Thompson, Joe Guillaume and me to meet via phone conference call very
soon to identify and attempt to clear up many of the misunderstandings
that have arisen among us in the past couple of months.  We've agreed to
stick to verifiable facts and to approach each potential
misunderstanding with an open mind.  We realize that we won't be able to
clear up all of our differences; some issues will remain differences of
opinion or irreconcilable differences of what the facts surrounding an
issue really are.  We will just note those for future action and move
on.  At the end of this process we hope to have removed a lot of garbage
from the table, leaving us with a more manageable list of differences to
deal with.

Please respect our attempt to accomplish this end by not adding fuel to
any smoldering fires on the mailing lists.

I am encouraged by the many positive suggestions made by so many of you,
please keep that up!

Ron Fox 

LUAU@lists.hosef.org mailing list

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