
Many of us know one another from the Saturday or Tuesday workshops
held at Mid-Pac, then Pricebusters, then McKinley.  The HOSEF workshop
was always a chance to visit, to learn, to help, and to figure out how
you can actually contribute in your own way to this whole free
software thing.  Some of us are not programmers, but that doesn't mean
that we don't have anything to contribute.

While the workshop runs from 10-2, there is no agenda, no start, no
end, and no such thing as being late.  Come if you want, but, please
contact me first so that I can give you directions.  Until we find
ourself properly funded to use another space, the workshops are in
Joe's Garage.  Becoming a member of or donating to HOSEF makes this
much easier.

Things that happen are

1. troubleshooting computers
2. testing computers
3. installing software
4. installing software on servers
5. talking
6. answering questions
7. planning
8. thinking
9. pondering
10. goofing off

You are expected to know nothing.  You are welcome.

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