On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Vince Hoang <vi...@litrium.com> wrote:
> Is anyone building software appliances?

Yes. Take a look at OpenSuse's tool, too.

> On the small end, I have been building VMs based on Debian to keep things
> lean but I'm taking a closer look at the Ubuntu-based JeOS and TurnKey Linux
> to make them more portable. TurnKey does use webmin and thus perl, so I'm
> not sure if I can overcome my old biases. :)

JeOS continues ripening, and Canonical is doing a good job of
facilitating Amazon integration/migration as well.

You might appreciate ClearOS. It's the evolution of ClarkConnect, is
CentOS based, and has our friend John Terpstra on the team. He was
behind their PDC improvements the last few years.

Ubuntu has an appliance package, ebox, with a good admin panel that
you might like more than dealing with the drama of your old biases.

There's more out there, but this is a sampling.

> -Vince

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