On 03/03/2011 09:34 PM, Vince Hoang wrote:
On Mar 3, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Al Plant<n...@hdk5.net>  wrote
Does anyone on the list have experience with a firewall on an Oceanic cable 
feed? Linux or Freebsd is what I use,.but I only have experience with firewalls 
on Telcom lines.
IP is IP. It doesn't matter if your provider hands you cable, DSL, Ethernet or 
wireless; you protect it the same way.

I am trying to help a guy with a Windows 7 box.  He has netflix on this cable 
too so it may have a fixed IP.

He gets attacked a lot with viruses and other weirdness even with Norton on the 

Any suggestions appreciated.
If you have a gateway that does NAT, you are shielded from most of the network 
based attacks.

However, I see most malware through compromised sites and ads, via the web 
these days.

I'll second Jon's suggestion of FireFox/NoScript for tech savvy folks. For 
others, start with an ad blocker and Chrome if Win7/IE8 doesn't seem to be 
doing the trick.

My best suggestion is to have 1 PC that has no network access or is only used 
to visit financial sites and a 2nd PC for recreational use.

Vince brings up a really good point about a 2nd PC for financial sites. Another option would be if the person cannot afford a 2nd PC then burn them a copy of Knoppix or some other live cd and teach them to use that when they do those types of transactions.

Really Al what this person needs is a good lesson on what is safe and what is not safe on the Internet. Clicking install on everything that pops up or allowing images to be loaded in email from third-party websites is asking for trouble. What is obvious to us is not obvious to the regular user, we deal with this on a daily basis because it is our job, we know the basics of safe "Internetting". But we really are the exception, what we take as common sense is really not that common to the uninitiated. I believe in this users case knowledge will go a lot farther than software and hardware and it will save you a little piece of sanity. :)

LUAU@lists.freesoftwarehawaii.org mailing list

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