
On 01/24/2014 03:42 AM, W.J.Heeringa wrote:
/Any customization I have done with my system is totally by GUI means. The one I know of, is that I made the panel a bit higher than normal (32 pixels). /

Thanks, this is in any case an improvement! The desktops are shown in the panel now. It is still not perfect, sometimes a white (but smaller) bar is drawn over them.

Best regards,


On 23-01-14, *Aere Greenway * <> wrote:

On 01/23/2014 06:23 AM, W.J.Heeringa wrote:
Dear all,

I upgraded from Lubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 by performing the following command:

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

This affected also the desktop switcher (I hope this is the right term), see the pictures attached. I used to have eight desktops as can be seen in the picture.

However, when starting an application, the desktop switcher completely disappears. In Lubuntu 13.04 and earlier the desktop switcher was permanently visible.

Does anyone know how I can achieve having the desktop switcher permantly visible in Lubuntu 13.10 as well?

Best regards,



I have seen something similar with my Lubuntu 13.10 system.

Any customization I have done with my system is totally by GUI means. The one I know of, is that I made the panel a bit higher than normal (32 pixels). I don't use command-line means of customization, because in my experience, I forget how to do it, so it doesn't get done on the next release.

Normally, the two desktops I have appear in the task-bar (panel) switcher, and work without any problems.

But sometimes, one (or both of them) get covered by the taskbar background.

I recognized it because I have configured my panel to be a bit larger (in the vertical dimension) than the default, and the panel background that obscures it doesn't go all the way to the bottom (it seems to assume a normal-height panel).

I don't know what triggers the problem.  It just occasionally 'happens'.

I can make it go away by clicking on any desktop panel entries that are obscured.


Hmmm... I am not sure where to go from here....
I am running 14.04, and I always do a fresh install... so I have never experienced this issue... Of course I keep my /home in a separate partition and have had problems that can be fixed by moving the configurations.... Have you checked to see if anyone has reported this bug (on launchpad, or elsewhere)?
Maybe someone else will have something to add here...
But, I should ask are you using other DE(like xfce, or unity, kde, etc..) as well as LXDE(Lubuntu-desktop)?

When you restarted lightdm, I should have mentioned (sorry, I forgot) that you should drop to a tty to do it (Ctrl + Alt + F1) so the error you saw was probably related to doing that from a terminal... sometimes I forget people don't use the terminal and tty as often as I do, and may not naturally go to a tty for those kinds of commands... I hope I will remember that next time :)

The only other off-the-wall thought I have is that it could be something in gconf/dconf... but that is just a shot in the dark, as it seems to me that it is either a bug in the code, a conflicting old config file, or some weird artifact from 13.04...


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