On 02/12/2014 06:47 PM, John Hupp wrote:
I have been troubleshooting a problem that appeared between Lubuntu Raring and Saucy. The problem does not appear on plain Ubuntu. I installed lubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu Saucy and duplicated the problem, so it seems that something in the desktop environment is responsible. If I were speculating, I would say that lxsession or one of its dependencies is the culprit.

In any case, after coming at it from a number of angles and not finding a solution, I'm wondering about something nice and methodical like a commit bisect. Can I do that with lubuntu-desktop or its major dependent packages?



P.S. I've posted more directly about the problem here, but because it involves LTSP and that is a rarity on Lubuntu, no one with specific experience addressed the problem (though Israel took a swing at it based on his general knowledge). Nonetheless, my notes about what I've tried:

Under Saucy i386, I find that on a client machine the X session ends within seconds and returns to the LDM login screen.

LDM.log merely notes something like "x session started" and then immediately follows with "x session ended."

It doesn't matter which user account I log in with.

I have tried a couple different clients with different video cards, one an old Intel and the other a current Radeon, both with plenty of RAM.

The problem only appears with Lubuntu Saucy. I have not seen it with Ubuntu Saucy.

The problem did not appear under Lubuntu Raring.

On an installation of Ubuntu Saucy, installing lubuntu-desktop and choosing the Lubuntu session from the LTSP client manifests the bug. This heavily implicates LXDE.

~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf for both users has disable_autostart=all, so many/most autostart apps are disabled.

Disable zram: On the server, sudo mv /etc/init/zram-config.conf –> zram-config.donotstart and then sudo ltsp-update-image -c /. Did not fix.

Trying different monitors on the client did not fix.

Check /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf: LDM_DIRECTX = True (for no encrypted SSH tunnel)

cat /var/log/Xorg.n.log on client: I don’t see anything. Last line is Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch.

LTS.conf: LDM_AUTOLOGIN=True (with accompanying user and P/W in specific client section) produces a boot loop.

From LDM, logging in with Session: Failsafe Lxterm produced a successful login into a terminal window. But from that terminal, running startx yields X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. (Yet it does the same on 13.04, so that does not indicate anything.) On the server, ~/.Xauthority is owned by the respective users, not by root (ownership by root had caused this behavior for one user).
None of the users are in the video group, but neither are they in 13.04.

From LDM on client, Ctrl-Alt-F2 and startx at that root prompt does start the Ubuntu X session (though with no desktop features).

Here is another shot in the dark....
1. Default applications for LXSession has caused a few people headaches... this *may* be part of the problem... 2. Have you tried 14.04 to see if the problem is still here (It is in Alpha still... but I use it as my daily driver without any major issues).

I sure hope you can figure out where the issue is.
But your comments make me wonder if that program is causing the problem... you might try simply removing it... though I don't know everything that comes with it. It will probably want to remove lubuntu-deskop.... (you could force it without recommends if you still want that package... though It doesn't really do anything except pull in the depends for Lubuntu).


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